What To Do With Expired Essential Oils

What To Do With Expired Essential Oils

Do you have a bottle of essential oil that’s been sitting around for a while, and you’re not sure what to do with it? Maybe you bought too many ingredients and forgot about them, or you just don’t use them as much as you thought you would.

Either way, continue reading to find out the best ways to get rid of expired essential oils!

When you first start using essential oils, it can be a little daunting trying to figure out what to do with the ones that you don’t use up. Do they go in the trash? Can they be recycled? What about when they expire? 

These are some of the questions that most experts grapple with. Even though it can be painful getting rid of something you spent a lot of money on,

it’s important to know how to properly dispose of them. The good news is that there are a few schools of thought on what to do with expired essential oils.

This blog post will answer all of those questions and more! We will teach you how to dispose of essential oils properly so that you can rest assured that they are not harming the environment.

Why Do Essential Oils Expire? 

person holding amber glass bottle
Essential oil

First, let’s talk about why essential oils go bad in the first place. All essential oils have what is called a “shelf life.” This is the amount of time that they will retain their therapeutic properties.

After this time, they will start to degrade and become less effective. 

The shelf life of essential oil depends on a few different factors, including:

  • The type of oil
  • How it’s been stored
  • Whether it’s been opened or not

Generally speaking, most essential oils will last for about one to two years. But there are some exceptions. For example, citrus oils tend to go bad more quickly because they are prone to oxidation.

And if an oil has been stored in a dark, cool place, it will last longer than oil that has been stored in a warm, sunny place. 

Read: What is the fastest way to cure a sore throat?

What To Do With Expired Essential Oils: How To Dispose of Essential Oils

votive candle
Essential oils

Just like the regular cooking oil, essential oils can go rancid. While an expired oil isn’t necessarily dangerous to use, it will be less effective and might not smell very good.

Most of the time, it will start to smell bad and can even cause skin irritation.

So, what should you do with them? Here are a few options:

1: Throw Them Away

The first option is to simply throw them away. If the oil has expired, it’s probably not going to be effective anymore, and it’s not worth risking skin irritation.  Just make sure that you dispose of them properly.

The best way to do this is to pour the oil into a sealable container (like a zip-top bag) and then put it in the trash. You can also add them to a coffee filter or paper towel before throwing them away to absorb any excess oil.

Just make sure that you don’t pour expired essential oils down the drain! This can clog your pipes and cause problems for your plumbing. And if you’re worried about the environmental impact, don’t worry.

Most expired essential oils will biodegrade without causing any harm to the environment.

2: Recycle Them

Another option is to recycle your expired essential oils. This is a great way to reduce waste and help the environment. There are a few different ways that you can do this.

One way is to add them to an oil diffuser. This will help freshen up your home and make it smell nice. 

Another way to recycle them is to use them for cleaning. Expired essential oils can be used to make DIY cleaners and air fresheners. 

Just add a few drops of oil to a spray bottle filled with water, and you’re good to go! You can also add them to homemade laundry detergent or carpet cleaner. 

Read: How many lemons does it take to make essential oil?

brown glass bottle on brown textile

3: Compost Them

Composting is a great way to dispose of expired essential oils. If you’re an experienced gardener, you can compost your expired essential oils.

This is a great way to give back to the earth and help your plants grow. This will help the environment, and your plants will love it!

Simply add them to your compost bin or pile to compost your oils. The oil will help speed up the decomposition process and provide nutrients for your plants.

You can also add them to a Worm Bin. The worms will eat the oil and turn it into nutrient-rich compost for your plants.

Even though composting is a great idea, it’s important to use caution. You don’t want to add too much oil to your compost pile because it can actually harm the plants. 

So, only add a few drops at a time and make sure that the oil is fully broken down before you add more.

4: Donate Or Give Them Out

Another option is to donate or give away your expired essential oils. If you know someone who loves essential oils, this is a great way to get rid of them.

You can also check with your local community center or library to see if they accept donations of essential oils.

You can also check with your local health food store or natural living store. They might be able to use the expired essential oils for their products or know someone who can use them.

Frequently Asked Questions about Essential Oils

When Should You Throw Out Essential Oils?

You should throw out essential oils when they start to smell bad or cause skin irritation. This can be anywhere from six months to a year after being opened.

How Long Do Essential Oils Last?

Essential oils can last for years, but they will eventually go bad. It’s important to check the expiration date on your essential oils and make sure that you’re using them before they expire.

Can You Use Oils After The Expiration Date?

You can use oils after the expiration date, but they might not be as effective. If you’re using them for aromatherapy, they might not smell as strong. If you’re using them for skincare, they might cause irritation. It’s best to throw them out after the expiration date.

Essential oils are a great way to improve your health and well-being. But, like all things, they eventually expire. When this happens, it’s important to know how to dispose of them properly.

If you were wondering what to do with your expired essential oils, now you know! There are several different options, so go ahead and choose the best one for you. 

Read: Essential oil air freshener diffuser recipe

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