How To Make Shea Butter Shampoo

How To Make Shea Butter Shampoo

There are a lot of DIY hair products out there, but there is one that stands out from the rest: shea butter shampoo. This hair product can be used by people of all hair types and takes less than 5 minutes to make.

It’s also an inexpensive way to get rid of flaky or itchy scalp issues. If you’re interested in making some at home, here is how to make shea butter shampoo:

Most shampoos are often packed with chemicals. This can be bad news for your hair, skin, and even your brain.

Not only is this potentially harmful in the long run, but it can also lead to dryness, flakiness, and even baldness. Making your own shea butter shampoo is a great way to avoid all of these problems.

So how do you go about making your own shea butter shampoo?

How To Make Shea Butter Shampoo


Hair is a big part of your personal identity and can say a lot about how you present ourselves to the world.

It’s essential to take care of it, which means using high-quality products. Shea butter shampoo is an excellent option because it contains natural ingredients beneficial for your hair.

This natural beauty product does wonders for your locks, leaving them clean, shiny, and smooth all day long.

It’s also very easy to make at home. Here is a simple recipe that will show you how to make Shea butter shampoo:

What You Need: Ingredients

– ½ cup water

– ¼ teaspoon vegetable glycerin

– ¾ cup raw shea butter, melted

– ¼ teaspoon vitamin E oil

– Essential oils used for your desired scent (optional)

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Shea Butter Shampoo

What You Need: Equipment

  • Double Boiler / Microwave
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon or whisk
  • Storage container / Shampoo bottle (optional)
  • Hand mixer or immersion blender
  • Blender (optional)

How To Make Shea Butter Shampoo: Directions

Step One: Melt The Shea Butter

The first step is to melt the shea butter. You can do this in a double boiler or microwave, whichever you prefer. Simply place the shea butter in a bowl and heat it until it’s melted.

If you use a boiler, make sure the water is steaming but not boiling. If you are using a microwave, cook it in short intervals, stirring at each interval until melted.

Be sure to avoid overheating the shea butter, as this can cause it to lose its beneficial properties.

Read: How do you make shea butter stay creamy?


Step Two: Add the Water and Vegetable Glycerin

Add your liquid ingredients to the bowl once the shea butter has been fully liquefied and there aren’t any chunks or pieces left over.

Pour in ½ cup of water and ¼ teaspoon vegetable glycerin. Stir with a spoon or whisk until combined.

At this point, you can add up to 35 drops of essential oils for scent if desired (it’s recommended that you use no more than 20 drops of essential oils per cup of ingredients).

Step Three: Add the Vitamin E Oil and Mix

Now, add in ¼ teaspoon vitamin e oil. You can also use other natural or organic carrier oils to mix with your shea butter shampoo if desired (coconut, grape seed, jojoba, etc.) as these will add a variety of essential nutrients to your shampoo.

Stir until all the ingredients are fully mixed. If you’re using a hand mixer or immersion blender, blend on low for about 30 seconds. If you’re using a blender, blend on medium speed for about 15 seconds.

Read: How do you soften hard body butter?

Step Four: Mix and Pour into Bottle and Store

Once all of your ingredients have been added, use a hand mixer or immersion blender to mix everything together until it is smooth.

If you are using a blender, do this in two batches. Be sure to avoid overworking the shea butter, as this can cause it to lose its beneficial properties.

Pour the mixture into a storage container or shampoo bottle. You can keep this at room temperature, but it’s best to store it in a cool dark place since shea butter is sensitive to sunlight and heat.

You will want your shea butter shampoo to be able to pour easily from its container for use.

If you find that it has thickened up too much, you can always reheat it in the microwave or double boiler to thin it out.

That’s how easy it is to make your own shea butter shampoo! With just a few ingredients and some simple steps, you can create a high-quality product that will leave your hair looking and feeling great.

Not to mention, this is a much more affordable option than store-bought shampoos. So go ahead and give it a try – your hair will thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions about Making Shampoo

What Is The Shelf Life Of Shea Butter Shampoo?

Shelf life will vary depending on how you store it. If kept in a cool, dark place, it should last for at least six months. If stored in a hot, humid environment, it will only last for about two months.

Can I Use Shea Butter Shampoo If I Have Color-Treated Hair?

Yes, this shampoo is safe for use on color-treated hair. However, we recommend doing a patch test before using it to make sure you don’t experience any adverse reactions.

Does Shea Butter Shampoo Have The Same Benefits As Shea Butter?

Yes, it does. Shea butter is a great moisturizer for your hair and scalp, so adding it to your homemade shampoo will help keep both hydrated throughout the day.

With this recipe on how to make shea butter shampoo, you can have a natural and affordable product to help keep your hair looking and feeling great!

Not to mention, it’s easy to customize with your favorite essential oils. So go ahead and give it a try – your hair will thank you!

Read: Real african shea butter

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