How to Make Shampoo and Conditioner to Sell

How to Make Shampoo and Conditioner to Sell

Have you ever wondered how you can make money off of your passion? How to make Shampoo and Conditioner to sell is a great way to do just that.

If you are looking to enter the personal care market, shampoo and conditioner making is a great way to get started.

Not only are the ingredients easy to find, but the process is fairly easy, and you can make a lot of products with little to no money.

Shampoo and conditioner are something that everyone uses on a daily basis.

This means that there will always be customers for these products, and they are easy to make, making them perfect for a small business.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of how to make shampoo and conditioner to sell using simple ingredients that you can find at your local grocery store.

How To Make Shampoo And Conditioner To Sell


What You Need To Know

When it comes to shampoo, there are several ways to make it. You can use natural ingredients like soapnuts or henna, or you can use store-bought shampoo as the base for your recipe.

This is how many people get started making their own shampoos because they are familiar with the ingredients and how they work.

If you are using store-bought shampoo, it’s recommended that you get an unscented shampoo to make your own.

This will cut down on the ingredients you need, and it will simplify the process because there is only one ingredient in your mixture instead of two.

When it comes to conditioner, you have a little more flexibility. You can use a store-bought conditioner as your base,

or you can make a homemade version using ingredients like mayonnaise and coconut oil. It really comes down to how you want your final product to look and how it will work on your hair.

For this article, you will use a store-bought shampoo as our base, but many of the same principles apply if you decide to make homemade shampoos or conditioners instead.

Once you understand how these ingredients work, you can get creative and make your own formulas that are perfectly tailored to how you want the product to perform.

Read: Lotion formula

Using shampoo

How To Make Shampoo And Conditioner To Sell

Now that you have all of this information in mind let’s talk about how you actually go about making these products.

Once you have chosen the shampoo or conditioner base you want to use, it’s time to start thinking about the ingredients.

The Main Ingredients To Use

There are several different natural ingredients that will make good additions to homemade shampoos and conditioners. However, this recipe will focus on making shampoo and conditioner that are ready for sale.

Read: Large batch body butter recipe


For this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Shampoo base or detergent free shampoo (you can find this at any store)
  • Castile soap (this can also be found at most stores)
  • Vegetable glycerin
  • Essential oils
  • Liquids to use as a preservative

These ingredients will help you make great homemade shampoos and conditioners that anyone can use. You may want to add more natural options like aloe vera or shea butter, but these are good choices if you just want something basic for your first time trying this process.

The Directions: How to Make Shampoo and Conditioner

Now that you have all of the ingredients you need, it’s time to start making your shampoo and conditioner. The process is relatively simple, and it will only take a few minutes to complete.

1. Mix the Shampoo/Conditioner Base with Castile Soap

First, mix the detergent-free shampoo or base with the castile soap in a bowl. You can use a hand mixer or just mix it by hand.

This will help thicken up your mixture and give it a good lather. You can use any type of castile soap for this, but we recommend using an unscented one.

If you are using a handmade soap, make sure that it is in small pieces so that it will dissolve quickly.

2. Add Glycerin and Essential Oils

Next, you will want to add vegetable glycerin and any essential oils that you are using. You can find these at most health food stores or markets, so it shouldn’t be hard for you to get your hands on them.

The amount of ingredients you use depends entirely on how much shampoo/conditioner mixture is in your bowl.

Generally, you will want to add a little bit at a time and mix it with your hand mixer or stir by hand until everything is combined.

3. Add Preservatives

Finally, you will want to add some preservatives. If your mixture doesn’t have a lot of water in it, you may not need them.

However, most shampoo and conditioner recipes will require some type of preservative to keep them from going bad.

There are many different types of preservatives that you can use, but we recommend using something like Germall Plus or Liquid Germall. You can find these at any health food store or online.

Once everything is combined, please put it in a container and label it accordingly.

4. Pack in Attractive Packaging

Once you have finished making your shampoo and conditioner, it’s time to pack it in attractive packaging.

This will help increase your sales and make your product look more professional. You can find packaging at most stores or order it online.

Now you are ready to start selling your own shampoo and conditioner!

Frequently Asked Questions about Making Shampoo

How Long Will The Shampoo And Conditioner Last?

Homemade shampoos and conditioners usually have a shelf life of about three months. However, you can extend this by adding an extra preservative to your product.

How Do I Know How Much Castile Soap Or Glycerin To Use?

This will vary depending on how much shampoo or conditioner you are making. It’s best to start with a small amount and add more if needed.

Can I Use Essential Oils That Aren’t Listed?

Yes, you can use any essential oil that you want in your shampoo or conditioner. However, it’s recommended that you start with the listed ones first.

That’s all there is to it! You now have everything you need to know how to make shampoo and conditioner to sell (that are ready for sale).

With a little bit of creativity, you can come up with your own unique recipes that will suit your customers’ needs.

Read: Starting a body butter business

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