How To Tell If Aloe Vera Gel Is Spoiled

How To Tell If Aloe Vera Gel Is Spoiled

Just like other natural and organic products, aloe vera gel can potentially go bad. While the Aloe Vera plant can survive in its natural state for a very long time,

the aloe vera gel often doesn’t last as long. It’s important to know how to tell if aloe vera gel is spoiled, so you don’t end up with an infection or worse!

Aloe vera gel will generally last for about 6 months if kept at room temperature and away from direct sunlight.

It will even last longer if it’s stored in the fridge. On the other hand, raw aloe vera gel or juice has a shelf life of around 2 weeks, even if it’s refrigerated.

So how do you know if your aloe vera gel has gone bad? Continue reading to find out!

How To Tell If Aloe Vera Gel Is Spoiled

Potted Aloe Vera

There are a few telltale signs that will help you identify whether or not your aloe vera gel has gone bad. Let’s have a look at some of them:

1: The Gel Has a Strange Odor (Very Unpleasant Smell)

If your aloe vera gel has a very unpleasant smell, it has likely gone bad. This is often the first giveaway, as spoiled aloe vera gel will have an odor that’s reminiscent of rotten eggs or vinegar.

This is due to a chemical that’s released as the aloe vera gel spoils.

If you catch the smell early, it’s best to discard the gel and get a new one. However, if the scent is more subtle, you may be able to salvage the aloe vera gel by simply washing it.

This smell is also a sign that your aloe vera gel may contain bacteria. So if you notice this smell, it’s best to discard the gel and get a new one to be safe.

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Aloe Vera closeup

2: The Gel Has an Unusual Color

Another way to tell if aloe vera gel has gone bad is by its colour. If the gel turns brownish or begins to look more translucent, it’s probably spoiled and should be discarded. 

Sometimes, you can also see a green ring around the edges of the container where the air has been trapped when you opened it after washing/draining off the aloe vera gel.

This green ring can indicate that the gel has gone bad and should also be discarded.

If your aloe vera gel is clear, but you notice a white film on top of it, don’t worry! That’s just natural wax from the plant itself – so no need to throw it away!

3: Mold Growth

This is another indication that your aloe vera gel has gone bad and should be discarded. If you see any black or white fuzzy growth on top of the gel, don’t use it!

It’s often difficult to spot when mold starts growing in your aloe vera gel. This is because you can only really tell once a large amount has grown and there are visible spots everywhere.

Mold can cause skin irritation and other health problems, so it’s important to avoid coming in contact with it if possible.

If you do see any mold growth on your gel, discard it immediately and wash the container thoroughly. You may also want to consider sanitizing the area where the aloe vera was stored.

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Potted Aloe Vera

4: Some Sort of Slimy Texture

Your aloe vera gel might have a slimy look if it has gone bad. The texture of the gel might also become soft or mushy and will not hold its shape when you try to scoop some up with a spoon.

This is another indication that your aloe vera gel may have either mold growth in it or bacteria (or both!). If this happens, Toss it out immediately!

When spoiled, aloe vera will often start to liquefy and become very slimy. If you see this happening, don’t use the gel – it’s not safe to consume.

If your aloe vera gel is still in good condition, it will have a smooth and consistent texture. It will also be easy to scoop up with a spoon and hold its shape.

5:There Are Black Spots On The Surface

Another way to tell if aloe vera gel has spoiled is to look at the surface. If you notice small black spots on top of your gel, the gel has likely been contaminated by mold.

As mentioned earlier, it’s difficult to spot when mold is growing in your aloe vera gel – so this can be a giveaway of spoilage if you happen to notice them early on before there are visible spots everywhere!

If you see black spots on the surface, check for other signs of spoilage (such as a strange smell or texture) before using it.

If everything else looks fine and there’s no odor/strange texture, you may be able to use the gel by removing the moldy parts first since they’re likely not safe to consume.

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Aloe Vera plant

Frequently Asked Questions about Aloe Vera Gel

Does Aloe Vera Gel Expire?

Yes, aloe vera gel does expire, and it will eventually go bad. However, it can last up to a year if stored properly in the fridge.

How do I tell if my aloe vera gel is spoiled?

Examine your aloe vera for the following signs of spoilage: an unusual smell, brownish colour (or loss of natural colour), change in texture and appearance, cloudy/discolored gel, and mold growth. If you see any of these signs, discard the gel immediately.

How long does Aloe Vera Gel last?

Aloe Vera gel will typically last between one to two years, depending on the quality of the product and how it’s stored. Generally, aloe vera gel will last for about 12 months if kept in a cool, dry place.

With so many skin problems out there, it’s important to have a good quality aloe vera gel that can help treat skin issues.

Knowing how to tell if aloe vera gel is spoiled is important so that you can discard it if necessary and avoid any health problems.

By looking out for the signs of spoilage, you can be sure that your aloe vera is safe to use.

If in doubt, it’s best to play it safe and discard the gel. Better to be safe than sorry!

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