How to Store Raw Shea Butter

How to Store Raw Shea Butter

Shea butter is a natural skincare product that can be used to soothe dry, irritated skin. It’s also the best moisturizer for people with eczema. But how do you store raw shea butter?

You might think that it needs to be kept in the fridge or on the countertop, but there are also other better ways of storing it than just throwing it into your kitchen cabinet!

This blog post will show how to store raw shea butter properly and how long each type of storage method lasts.

Shea Butter Shelf Life –  How Long It Lasts

The typical shelf life of Shea butter is six to twelve months. However, this can be extended if the butter is stored in a cool place or in the fridge.

·       Refrigeration 

If you refrigerate Shea butter, it will last for up to two years. However, make sure that you don’t freeze it for long, as this will cause the butter to spoil.

·       Freezing 

You can also freeze Shea butter, but for not more than six months. After that period, the quality of the butter may start to deteriorate.

·       Room Temperature 

Storing Shea butter at room temperature will give it a shelf life of 8 to 12 months. It’s important not to keep shea butter in a hot place because the heat will cause it to spoil faster.

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How to Store Raw Shea Butter

There are several ways on how to store raw Shea butter.  Some are more effective than others, but it all depends on what is available for you. Let’s look at each type of storage below.

1) Store in Air Tight Containers

One way to store Shea butter is in an airtight container. This will help preserve the butter and give it a shelf life of 8 to 12months.

Airtight containers are great for those who want to use the Shea butter daily. It’s easy to access, and you’ll be able to tell when the product is starting to go bad as it will become harder to spread out.

Here are some examples of containers that work well for storing shea:

  • Mason Jars with Lids – These jars have a screw top lid which makes them easy to open and close securely. In addition, it comes with different size options depending on how much Shea Butter you need to store.
  • Glass Jars with Lids- These jars are made of glass, so the inside is easily visible. They also have a screw-top lid, making it easy to open and close securely.

Tip: If your raw Shea butter has turned into a solid, try melting it down before putting it into an airtight container!

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2)  Room Temperature

Another way to store raw Shea butter is in a room temperature place. This will give the product average shelf life of six months.

This storage method is great for those who use their Shea butter less regularly or want to keep something on hand just in case they need it again at some point during the year.

It’s also good if you’re planning on storing your Shea Butter through winter, where heating systems may cause temperatures inside your home to fluctuate throughout the day (hot then cold).

The natural fatty acids in shea butter help maintain its quality when stored at a moderate temperature.

However, you should take caution if this is your chosen method, as direct sunlight or high levels of humidity can affect how raw shea lasts before spoiling.

3) Using a Refrigerator 

You can also store shea butter in the refrigerator. Refrigeration helps prevent the growth of bacteria,

which can grow when exposed to heat or water, thus increasing shea butter shelf life. It will have a shelf life of 18 months if refrigerated correctly!

When storing shea butter in the fridge, make sure to place it in a sealed container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap to avoid contact with air.

It’s important not to put your shea butter near foods with strong scents because they may absorb odors from other products and ruin how the product smells.

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4) Store in a Deep Freezer

Another way to store Shea butter is in a deep freezer. This will give the product a shelf life of up to two years.

The deep freezer helps reduce the amount of bacteria that can grow and increases how long Shea butter lasts before going bad.

Just like with refrigeration, it’s important to store Shea Butter in a sealed container or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap to avoid contact with air.

When you’re ready to use your Shea Butter, simply remove it from the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature. Do not heat it directly under any circumstances!

5) Using a Sunlight Protection Bag

If you’re going on a trip and want to bring your Shea Butter with you, some users recommend using a sunlight protection bag – like those used for sunscreen – to prevent it from melting.

This method may not be as effective as using an airtight container, as water can still seep through some bags (not all).

However, some people feel comfortable using such bags because they’re thicker than plastic wrap and allow more oxygen circulation around stored products, thus preserving them better.  

Frequently Asked Questions about Shea Butter Storage

How Do You Store Unused Shea Butter?

Shea Butter can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to two years. If you choose to keep it at room temperature, make sure not to leave any water residue on the product, which could cause spoilage and discoloration over time.

Can You Freeze Raw Shea Butter?

Yes, you can freeze raw shea butter. It is best to store it in a deep freezer and wrap it tightly or place it in a sealed container to avoid contact with air. This will help keep the product fresh for up to one year.

Can Raw Shea Butter Go Bad?

Yes, raw shea butter can go bad. It will spoil over time and become inedible if not stored correctly.

Shea butter is a great product to have on hand, but it’s essential to store it correctly in order to preserve its quality and extend its shelf life.

By following the tips mentioned in this article on how to store raw shea butter, you can ensure that your Shea Butter will last long after purchase!

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