How To Make Lip Balm With Shea Butter

How To Make Lip Balm With Shea Butter

Making your own lip balms is not just a fun way to use up some of the shea butter you have laying around. It also allows you to avoid potentially harmful chemicals often found in commercial lip balms.

Plus it’s pretty simple! –  It’s easy and fun, and you don’t need any expensive ingredients! This blog post will show you how to make lip balm with shea butter!

Many people enjoy the feel of a lip balm on their lips. It is often used in cold weather or to keep your lips from getting dry and cracked.

Commercial lip balms often contain chemicals that are not good for you. Some of these chemicals can actually dry out your lips even more!

By making your own lip balm, you know exactly what is going into it and can avoid these harmful chemicals.

Shea butter is a great ingredient to use in lip balm because it is moisturizing and contains fatty acids that help to protect your lips.

It also has a nice, subtle flavor that many people enjoy. This blog post will teach you how to make your own natural, moisturizing lip balms that are perfect for any season!

How To Make Lip Balm With Shea Butter

Lip balm

Lip balm making is a great DIY project for both kids and adults. Not only is it a fun activity to do with your family,

but you can also make custom flavored lip balms that you can give as gifts for the holidays or special occasions. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make your own natural lip balm.

Here is a step by step guide on how to make lip balm with shea butter:

What You Will Need:

You will need the following ingredients and supplies:

  • Shea butter 
  • Beeswax
  • Coconut oil
  • Essential oils for flavor, if desired – these can be found at Whole Foods or any health food store.  It is best to pick an essential oil that matches the scent of your chosen shea butter. For example, if using vanilla-scented shea butter, you can use vanilla essential oil.
  • A microwave-safe bowl or measuring cup  (You could also use a double boiler if needed.)
  • Spoon for stirring (wooden is best)
  • Lip balm containers 

Read: How to keep shea butter from hardening


Step By Step: How To Make Lip Balm With Shea Butter

Step One: Shea Butter Meltdown!

The first step is to melt down the shea butter. It’s easy to do this in the microwave or by using a double boiler. If using the microwave, just place your shea butter into a microwavable dish and heat it up until melted.

You can also buy pre-melted shea butter that comes in small containers like these . Using a double boiler is another option if you don’t have access to a microwave.

This method takes more time, but it provides extra protection against burning your shea butter since you can keep a close eye on how hot the water is getting.

Step Two: Add The Beeswax!

Once the shea butter has melted, it’s time to add the beeswax. This helps to solidify the lip balm and gives it a nice texture.

You will want to use an equal amount of beeswax as you do shea butter – for example, if using one cup of melted shea butter, add one cup of melted beeswax.

You can use various types of beeswax, depending on how hard or soft you want your lip balm to be. If you use solid beeswax, melt it down before adding it to the shea butter mixture.

If you are using liquid beeswax, just add it straight into the mixture and skip ahead to step four! You can also buy pre-made beeswax pellets like these that make it easy to measure how much you need.

Read: Fragrance oils for body butter

DIY Lip balm

Step Three: Coconut Oil Time!

The next ingredient you will want to add is coconut oil. Coconut oil is a great moisturizer and helps to keep your lips from getting too dry.

You can use anywhere from one-third to one-half the amount of coconut oil as you do beeswax.

So, if using one cup of melted shea butter/beeswax mixture, then use between one-third and one-half cup of melted coconut oil.

Step Four: Flavor It By Adding Essential Oils!

Now it’s time to add in some essential oils for flavor! This step is optional but highly recommended – after all, lip balm isn’t very fun without any flavor.

You will want to use about 20 drops of essential oil per cup of melted shea butter/beeswax mixture. So, if using one cup of melted shea butter/beeswax mixture, use about 20 drops of essential oil.

If you are not sure how the essential oils will smell together, just buy one of each so that you don’t waste any ingredients!

Step Five: Mix and Pour!

Once all your ingredients have been added, it’s time to mix everything and pour it into your containers. Use a wooden spoon to stir until everything is well combined.

Then, use a ladle or measuring cup to carefully pour the lip balm mixture into your chosen containers. Make sure you fill them up to the top – this will make sure they last for a while!

Read: How to get butter out of clothes without washing

DIY Lip balm

Frequently Asked Questions on Making Lip Balm using Shea Butter

Is Shea Butter Good For Lip Balm?

Yes! Shea butter is a great ingredient for lip balm because it’s naturally moisturizing and helps to protect lips from the sun. It also has a slight SPF value which is an added bonus.

Can I Use Other Oils In Place Of Coconut Oil?

Yes, you can use any type of oil that you like in this recipe. Keep in mind that different oils will have different results, so you may need to experiment until you find one you love. Olive oil is a good option or even jojoba oil.

Do I Have To Use Beeswax?

No, you don’t. You can experiment with other types of wax if you like, such as candelilla wax which is plant-based and also moisturizing. This will work just as well in place of the beeswax, but it may be a little more expensive, so keep that in mind.

There you have it! Hopefully, this guide on how to make lip balm with shea butter has given you some great ideas on how to use shea butter in your beauty routine. Be sure to experiment with different scents and flavors until you find the perfect one for you.

Read: Does shea butter darken skin?

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