How To Make Cocoa Butter Cream

How To Make Cocoa Butter Cream

A lot of people like to use cocoa butter cream for their skin because it is natural and often has a pleasant smell. They know how good it feels to put on a fresh coat of cocoa butter cream.

how it smells and how smooth and rich the texture is! Having said that, there is one challenge though: how do you make cocoa butter cream?

It’s not as simple as just heading to the store and grabbing some. This guide will help you create your own luxurious cocoa butter cream at home!

Cocoa butter cream is an amazing moisturizer that can heal dry skin, prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, and help to reduce wrinkles. 

It is made from natural ingredients, so it is gentle and safe for all skin types. So how do you make it? To understand more about how to make Cocoa butter cream continue reading!.

How to Make Cocoa Butter Cream

Skin Care

Cocoa butter cream is very beneficial for your skin because it has antioxidants that can help to regenerate your cells.

It also moisturizes the skin, helping you have beautiful, healthy-looking, smooth, and glowing skin.

The products are not just great on their own, though! Cocoa butter cream recipes often use other ingredients like beeswax or shea butter to create a richer, more nourishing cream.

What You Will Need: Ingredients

To make the cocoa butter cream, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cocoa butter (obviously)
  • Coconut oil or olive oil
  • Beeswax pellets
  • Sweet almond oil or vitamin E oil
  • A double boiler or pot with a bowl that fits snugly over it.
  • Glass jars or containers to store your cream in
  • Shea butter  (optional)

Read: How to melt raw cocoa butter for skin

Smooth face

How to Make Cocoa Butter Cream: The Process

Now that you have all of the ingredients, it’s time to make the cream!

Step One: Melt the Cocoa Butter

Take your double boiler or pot with a bowl on it and fill the bottom of the pan about halfway full with water. Bring this to a simmer over medium heat on the stovetop, making sure that no water gets into the top container.

Put cocoa butter on the top container and allow it to melt completely. As you are waiting for the cocoa butter chunks to melt,

go ahead and measure out how much beeswax pellets you need based on how much cream you want to make (you will probably be doing roughly half an ounce per container).

Beeswax comes in tiny pellets that look like sugar, so it’s easy just to spoon some out.

Step Two: Add the Coconut or Olive Oil

Once your cocoa butter is melted, add in the coconut oil or olive oil. If you are using a double boiler,

make sure to take the bowl off of the pot so that the heat doesn’t start cooking your cream before you’re ready. Stir until everything is combined and let it melt together.


Step Three: Add Beeswax Pellets

Now it’s time to add in the beeswax pellets! Slowly pour these into the mixture while stirring continuously until they are all melted in. This will help thicken your cream and give it a more solid texture.

If you want a thicker cream that takes longer to absorb into the skin, use more wax pellets; use fewer wax pellets if you want a more easily absorbed cream.

Read: Cocoa butter mixed with coconut oil

Step Four: Add Sweet Almond or Vitamin E Oil

Next, add your sweet almond oil or vitamin E. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that fights free radicals and prevents cell damage, while the oil helps to moisturize the skin even more!

Add about half as much of this as you added beeswax.

Step Five: Add Essential Oils for Scent & More Benefits

Finally, it’s time to add some essential oils if desired! These can be beneficial in a number of ways – from helping with acne to giving your cream an amazing scent.

Jojoba oil works well, too but isn’t totally necessary because cocoa butter already has healing properties on its own. You can also use shea butter instead, which will make the final product more solid (great winter!)

Step Six: Pour Into Containers

You’re almost done with making your own cocoa butter cream! Just pour the mixture into your containers as soon as it is cool enough and let them harden in a fridge.

Step Seven: Use & Enjoy!

Store this in a cool place like your fridge and use it as often as needed for skin hydration. It should last for a few months (depending on how often you use it).

As you can see, this guide is pretty straightforward. It’s easy once you get started, but making sure everything melts together can be tricky at first. But with a few trials, you will become a pro in no time.

Read: What helps with stretch marks?

Frequently Asked Questions about Making Cocoa Butter Cream

Can I Use This Cream On My Face?

Yes, you can – this cream is great for all over the body hydration. If you have acne-prone skin, try adding tea tree oil or lavender oil to the essential oil mix.

Can I Make A Larger Batch Of This Cream?

Definitely! You can make a larger batch by doubling or tripling the recipe. Just be sure to keep an eye on how much wax you’re adding because too much will cause it not to set up properly.

Will This Melt If I Leave It In My Car?

Depending on how hot your car gets, it might – especially during the summer. If it does start to melt, just pop it in the fridge, and it will harden back up.

I’m not sure how much beeswax to add – can you help?

Generally, you want to use about one ounce of beeswax for every two cups of cream. But this can vary depending on how hard you want the final product to be.

You now know how to make cocoa butter cream – congrats! This is a great way to have soft and hydrated skin all year round, and the essential oils can give it an amazing scent. Be sure to store it in a cool place like your fridge and use it as often as needed. Enjoy!

Read: Does cocoa butter clog pores?

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