How To Extend Shelf Life Of Homemade Beauty Products

How To Extend Shelf Life Of Homemade Beauty Products

One of the many benefits of making your beauty products at home is that you can customize them to your specific needs.

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However, one thing that usually disturbs many people is whether they can extend their product’s shelf life.

This blog post will outline and share some tips on how to preserve and extend your home beauty product’s shelf life.

If you are like most people, you probably like to save money by making your own beauty products at home.

However, you may find that they don’t last as long as store-bought commercial products.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to extend the shelf life of your homemade beauty products.

When making your beauty products, one thing to keep in mind is that not all homemade beauty products have the same shelf life.

Soaps, for example, typically last for about six months, while lotions may last for up to a year. The key is to store them in a cool, dark place and avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures.

Of course, there are several ways to extend the shelf life of homemade beauty products. If you are looking for ways to make your lotion last longer, continue reading:- This blog post will discuss a few of them!

How To Extend Shelf Life Of Homemade Beauty Products

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Most homemade beauty products have a shelf life of around 4 to 6 months. And this can be a bit challenging, especially if you are planning to sell them.

The good thing, though, is that there are several things you can do to extend the shelf life of your homemade beauty products.

Knowing how to extend the shelf life of your homemade beauty products is key to ensuring that you get the most out of them!

Before getting into how to extend the shelf life of your homemade products, let’s first have a look at why they expire in the first place.

Why Homemade Products Go bad Quickly

It’s no secret that most homemade beauty products get spoilt quickly compared to their commercial partners. Some won’t even last a week! So what causes this? There are several factors involved :

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1: They Do Not Have Preservatives or Used In Insufficient Amounts

The number one reason why most homemade beauty products expire quickly is that they generally do not contain preservatives.

Preservatives are essential in beauty products as they help to prevent the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.

When these microorganisms grow, they can cause the product to spoil and smell bad. In some cases, they can even be harmful to your skin.

If you are making your own products, it is important to use preservatives in sufficient amounts to ensure that they do not go bad.

You can find a list of safe preservatives for use in DIY beauty products HERE.

2: Unstable Ingredients Such as Essential Oils

Another reason why homemade beauty products expire quickly is that the ingredients used are unstable. Essential oils, for example, are known to lose their potency over time.

If you have used oils that get spoilt within a short time, your homemade product will definitely go bad.  

The stability of your ingredients is very crucial when making your products. Because if you use unstable ingredients, they will spoil and ruin the product.

In order to make a product that is stable, you need to use ingredients that will not support the growth of bacteria or fungus.

Some of the most common ingredients that are used to make a product stable include alcohol. Alcohol will ensure that your product will not lose its potency over time.

Read: Equipment needed for beauty products

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3. Improper Storage

Another reason why homemade beauty products expire quickly is that they are not stored properly.

Often, people will store their products in a bathroom cabinet where it is usually warm and moist. This environment is perfect for the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.

If you want your products to last longer, it is important to store them in a cool, dry place.

This could be in a pantry, closet, or even in the fridge. Just make sure to avoid storing them in direct sunlight or near a heat source.

4. Improperly Made

Sometimes, homemade beauty products expire quickly because they are not properly prepared.

This could be because the ingredients were not mixed together properly or because the pH levels were not balanced.

When making their homemade products, most people come across this challenge and cannot measure and balance their ingredients.

A good example is not knowing the amount of water to use! Too much water can make a product spoil quickly, while not enough water can make the product too thick and difficult to use.

It would be best if you were careful while making your own scrubs, masks, and moisturizers. Most of the time, the issue is not with the ingredients but with how they are mixed together.

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5: They Are Exposed To Air

Air is another enemy of homemade beauty products. When left out in the open, air can quickly cause them to spoil.

This is why it is important to store your products in an airtight container. To help keep your products fresh, store them in an airtight container.

By doing this, you will help to keep them fresh for a more extended period. This will also help to prevent them from being exposed to the elements.

Now that we know why homemade products expire quickly let’s look at some ways to extend their shelf life.

How To Extend The Shelf Life Of Your Homemade Beauty Products

There are several different things that you can do to help extend the shelf life of your homemade beauty products.

For better understanding, this article will look at Two distinct categories of how you can extend the shelf life of your homemade beauty products.

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1.  Use Of Preservatives

Much like preserving foods, homemade beauty products need preservatives to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and fungus.

This will keep the product fresh for a longer period of time.

There are different types of preservatives that you can use in your beauty products, but before you add any, it is important to understand a little bit about them.

There are many synthetic and natural preservatives available on the market.

While all preservatives work to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus, they each have unique properties that make them more or less suitable for a particular product.

Natural Preservatives

1: Using Antioxidants To Extend Shelf Life

Antioxidants are among the most effective natural preservatives available. They work by scavenging free radicals, which can damage cells and cause spoilage.

Using antioxidants will help you slow the oxidation process in oils and ingredients that oxidize and spoil quickly.

Depending on your product, you can add your antioxidants as part of your water phase or oil phase. Be sure not to overcook your products, as heat can destroy the antioxidant.

Some good antioxidants to consider include:

  • Vitamin E oil
  • Rosemary extract
  • Green tea extract
  • Resveratrol
  • Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10)

When it comes to antioxidants, it’s important to choose the right one for your homemade beauty products.

If you’re looking for an oil-soluble antioxidant, vitamin E oil is a good choice. If you’re looking for a water-soluble antioxidant, green tea extract is a good choice.

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2: Grapefruit Seed Extract.

Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is a natural preservative that can extend the shelf life of homemade beauty products.

GSE has a number of other benefits, too. It’s a natural disinfectant, so it can be used to cleanse skin and hair.

GSE, or grapefruit seed extract, is a natural preservative that can help keep your products fresh and free from bacteria.

It also packs a nutritional punch, providing your beauty product with the essential nutrients needed. GSE also has powerful antioxidant properties that can help protect against ageing signs.

Adding a few drops of GSE to your favorite beauty products can give them an extra boost of nutrition and help keep them fresh. Plus, it will help extend the life of your products.

So if you’re looking for a way to give your homemade beauty products a healthy and lengthy lifeline boost, add a little GSE to your favorite products. You’ll love the results!

3: Use Alcohol as A Preservative

Adding a small amount of alcohol to your homemade beauty products can help to extend their shelf life by killing bacteria and fungus.

Be sure to store your products in a cool, dark place for the best results. To add alcohol to your beauty products, simply pour it into the recipe at the beginning of cooking.

 It will help to keep the product fresh and free from bacteria and fungus. Just be sure to store your products in a cool, dark place, and they should last for several months.

When making your own beauty products, always use good-quality alcohol.

Everclear is a good choice, as it is high in alcohol content and has a low price tag. However, you can use any type of alcohol that you like.

4: Anti-Microbials To Extend Beauty Product Shelf Life

If you’re looking to add an extra layer of protection to your homemade beauty products, consider adding in some anti-microbial agents.

This will help kill any bacteria or fungus that may be present and help extend the shelf life of your product.

The most common anti-microbial agents used in homemade beauty products are tea tree oil, clove oil, and oregano oil.

All of these oils have anti-microbial properties and can help to keep your products safe from contamination.

However, be sure to use these oils sparingly, as they can be quite potent. A little goes a long way, so start with just a few drops, and add more as needed.

5: Use Rosemary Extract as A Preservative

Rosemary extract is another natural preservative that can be used in homemade beauty products. It has anti-fungal properties that can help to keep your products safe from contamination.

It’s also a powerful antioxidant that can help to extend the shelf life of your products. To use, simply add 1-2 drops of rosemary extract to your recipe. It will help to keep your products fresh and free from bacteria.

Like the other natural preservatives mentioned, rosemary extract is a potent oil, so start with just a few drops and add more as needed.

6: Distilled Water to Increase the Shelf Life

Using distilled water while making your beauty products can also extend the shelf life of your products. Distilled water has a high purity level that is free from contaminants and bacteria.

Adding distilled water to your recipes can help to keep them safe from contamination and spoilage.

It’s also a great way to add extra moisture to your products, which can help them to stay fresh for longer.

Distilled water is an excellent natural way to extend the shelf life of your homemade beauty products.

Be sure to use it sparingly, as too much can affect the consistency of your products.

Synthetic Or Commercial Preservatives

Besides using natural preservatives, you can also use synthetic preservatives. You can easily buy these preservatives from your local store or online. Below is a list of some common preservatives and their uses

1: Glycol ethers like Phenoxyethanol:

This is a great preservative for products that contain water. It is a broad-spectrum preservative that helps prevent bacteria and fungus growth. A good example is Phenoxyethanol.

Phenoxyethanol is a popular preservative used in the cosmetics industry. It is effective against a wide range of bacteria and fungi, and it is gentle enough on your skin. It can also be used as a solvent.

This broad-spectrum preservative is effective against bacteria, yeast, and mold. It is soluble in water and alcohol and is heat stable.

Phenoxyethanol has a sweet taste and a faint rose odor. It is used in a variety of cosmetic formulations, including baby wipes, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, creams, and foundations.

Phenoxyethanol is a low-toxicity preservative that has been used safely in cosmetics for many years.

2: Organic acids (Benzoic acid and its derivatives)

This is a preservative that is derived from natural sources like coal tar. It is used in a wide range of personal care items such as shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and mascara.

Benzoic acid is a white, crystalline solid that is used as a preservative and flavor enhancer. Benzoates are its derivatives and are used to extend the shelf life of beauty products.

These compounds are effective against bacteria, yeast, and mold. Benzoates are soluble in water and alcohol and are used in fireworks to produce a green color.

Benzoic acid is a low-toxicity preservative that has been used safely in cosmetics for many years. However, if you are allergic to benzoic acid, you should avoid products that contain it.

3: Parabens such as methylparaben

Parabens are preservatives that prevent the growth of fungus and bacteria in beauty products.

Parabens like methylparaben can be added to your homemade beauty products to increase their shelf life.

They help preserve ingredients while at the same time creating unique anti-bacterial and cosmetic formulas.

Parabens can be used in a wide range of beauty products, including shampoos, conditioners, and shaving foams.

However, they are not without controversy, with some people believing they are linked to Breast cancer.

So, if you are unsure about using parabens, you can look for preservatives derived from natural sources such as grapefruit seed extract. 

Other Basic Things You Can to Extend the Shelf Life

One of the benefits of making your own beauty products is that you can control what ingredients will go in and what will not.

However, if you’re not careful, your products can spoil quickly and go to waste. Let’s look at some basic things you can do to help keep your homemade beauty products fresh and extend their shelf life.

One #: Use Fresh And High-Quality Ingredients

First, always use fresh ingredients. If you’re using dried herbs or spices, make sure they are recent and have not been sitting in your pantry for years.

Old ingredients can spoil the product and make it less effective.

If you are using ingredients that have been sitting in your fridge or freezer, make sure they are fresh and not freezer burnt.

Frozen ingredients can ruin a batch of beauty products, so only use recently frozen items.

Two#: Avoid Excess Moisture

One of the leading causes of spoilage in homemade beauty products is excess moisture.

This can be from watery ingredients like fresh fruits or vegetables or added moisture from milk, yogurt, honey, or other liquids.

Moisture can also spoil your beauty products. If you’re making a face cream or body lotion, make sure you don’t add too much water or liquid.

If the product is too wet, it will spoil quickly and become ineffective.

To prevent spoilage, make sure all of your ingredients are dry before you start making your beauty product. If a recipe calls for wet ingredients, wait to add them until the end.

And, if you’re adding liquids like milk or honey, do so in small amounts. You can always add more later if needed.

Three#: Use A Sterilized Container

Making your own beauty products can be a fun, cost-effective way to take care of yourself. However, it’s important to remember to sterilize all of your equipment and containers. 

If you’re using a new container to store your homemade beauty product, make sure you sterilize it first.

This can be done by boiling it in hot water for a few minutes or using a sterilizing solution. This is especially important if you’re using an unsealed container like a jar.

If you don’t sterilize the container, your product may spoil prematurely. Don’t forget to use clean utensils and a clean work surface, too.

Four #: Use Airtight Containers

When storing your beauty products, it’s important to use airtight containers.

This will help keep the products fresh and free of bacteria. It’s no secret what will happen to your product if air or moisture gets in!

You can either use glass jars with tight lids to store your product, or you could purchase airtight plastic containers.

If using plastic containers, try to find a model with a variety of sizes so that you can store different types of products.

If you’re using a powder-based beauty product, be sure to use a containment that will keep it dry. This will help keep the powder from clumping and increase your product’s shelf life. 

Five #: Store In A Cool, Dark Place

In order to keep your beauty products from spoiling, it’s important to store them in a cool, dark place.

This could be the bottom drawer of your dresser, inside a cabinet, or even in the refrigerator. Doing this will help keep the ingredients fresh and prevent bacteria from growing. 

Just like with any other type of product, sunlight will cause your beauty concoctions to spoil faster. So if you must store your products near a window, try to find a spot that doesn’t get a lot of direct sun exposure.

Frequently Asked Questions about Homemade Beauty Products

Do Beauty Products Go Bad Even With Preservatives?

Many people believe that if a beauty product has a preservative in it, it will not go bad. However, this is not always the case, especially for products that contain water. Water can provide a breeding ground for bacteria, and the preservative may not be strong enough to kill them all. As a result, the product can start to spoil and smell bad.

How Long Will My Homemade Beauty Products Last

This will depend on the ingredients you use and the shelf life of those ingredients. Generally, however, homemade beauty products will last around 3-6 months. If you are using perishable ingredients, be sure to refrigerate them and use them within a week.

Are Cosmetics With Preservatives Safe To Use?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people say that cosmetics with preservatives are safe to use, while others maintain that they are not. This discrepancy is because there is not a great deal of research on the safety of cosmetics with preservatives. What research does exist is inconclusive.

Some preservatives are known to be more harmful than others. For example, parabens are a type of preservative that has been linked to cancer. However, not all preservatives are harmful. Some, such as those derived from natural ingredients, are thought to be safe.

How Do I Store My Homemade Beauty Products?

Store your homemade beauty products in a cool, dark place. This can be a cabinet, drawer, or even refrigerator. Just be sure to keep them away from direct sunlight and heat, as both can cause them to spoil.

My Homemade Beauty Product Has Gone Bad! What Do I Do? 

If you notice that your homemade beauty product has gone bad, discard it immediately. Do not use it, as it may cause skin irritation or other adverse effects.

Which One Is Better Natural Or Synthetic Preservative

There are pros and cons to both natural and synthetic preservatives. Natural preservatives, such as essential oils, are derived from plants and are often considered more sustainable and environmentally friendly than synthetic preservatives. However, natural preservatives can also be less effective than artificial preservatives, and they can be more expensive to use.

Synthetic preservatives are made in a lab, making them cheaper to produce than natural preservatives. However, they can be harmful to the environment and human health. There is also some concern that synthetic preservatives can be allergenic. So, which is better? The answer depends on your priorities. 

How Can I Extend The Shelf Life Of My Homemade Beauty Products?

There are a few things you can do to extend the shelf life of your homemade beauty products. First, make sure to use safe and effective preservatives. Second, avoid using water in your recipes, as water can promote the growth of bacteria. Third, store your products in a cool, dark place. And finally, use fresh ingredients and make small batches to avoid spoilage. 

The takeaway for how to extend shelf life of homemade beauty products really depends on your priorities.

If you are looking for a more natural and environmentally-friendly option, go with natural preservatives.

But, if you are looking for something more affordable, then synthetic preservatives might be a better option for you. 

One thing to keep in mind while looking for a good preservative is the pH of your product. If the pH is too acidic or too alkaline, the preservative might not be as effective.

So, keep an eye on your product’s pH and make any necessary adjustments. Remember that the skin is an important organ of your body, and those ingredients applied to it should be analyzed and researched carefully.

Most importantly, remember to listen to your gut instinct – it will not lead you wrong!

Read: FDA label requirements for cosmetics

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